Thursday, November 08, 2007

THURSDAY - November 8, 2007

Warren Smith Arrangements

Warren Smith, Blue Moon Chili, will be put to rest on Thursday, November 8th at 1:00 pm at

Eternal Valley Memorial Park

103287 North Sierra Highway

Newhall, CA 91321





AVI Thanksgiving cookoff is Friday and Saturday

I previously wrote that the cookoff, and People's Choice were on Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving weekend. Wrong. They are on Friday and Saturday. Hope this screw-up didn't change anyone's plans! My bad.

Ref. Susan Burt Baumberger
43356 20th Street West
Lancaster, CA 93534






The New England Regional Chili Cookoff

A new home on the web?
Our new web site is It has all the wonderful features you have come to expect from the NERCC which will be May 3,2008!

Mad Mike





Terlingua "Behind The Store/Tolbert" Results


The weather was perfect for this year's installment of the Original "Behind The Store/Tolbert" International Chili Championship, in the middle of nowhere, Terlingua, Texas. Lots of eating, drinking, socializing, and of course cooking ensued among the group on ICS hill this year. The camaraderie amongst our group is what keeps us all coming back, along with the possibility of winning this big one, and a coveted "rock" (as the trophies are commonly called).

Twelve of us were on the hill this year, and many more spread out over the hills. In our group, we had two winners, with Mick Joplin placing 3rd in chili, and my wife, Kathy Plager, placing 9th. Debbie Turner, who was cooking closer to the stage, placed 12th. As usual, Truett Airhart, overall great cook, tried his hand in BBQ brisket and placed 4th in beans. Dave Schulman, rustled with brisket and ribs on Kathy's old smoker. Jim Stoddard worked on his tasty brisket. Joey Sutphen (ICS Red, Verde, and BBQ cook), along with Hubert Green, turned in brisket, wings, and Joey's to die for ribs.

A friend of mine, Mike B.B. Hughes from Lockhart, Texas, won the "big rock" (1st place trophy). He is instrumental in putting on, along with his Central Texas Chili Group, over 30 cookoffs in the Texas area. A lot of money was raised this year and down in Terlingua for the ALS Association (Lou Gehrig's disease), the official charity of the Tolbert organization.

Special thank you's go out to three of my very special buddies, Al Henry, Dick Swenberger, and Robert Corley. To Al Henry, whom without your more than usual "packed van" full of tents, tables, chairs, stoves, and cooking gear, nobody on our hill would have been able to party in the desert without. People, Kathy and I bring lots of gear down, but this guy is amazing. To Dick Swenberger, whom without your enduring moral support, and your "no problem" willingness to help me out doing scorekeeping on the computer on all of Friday's and Saturday's events, a very big thank you. To Robert Corley, Tallymaster for the Tolbert Organization, great thanks for buying a new laptop, just to help Dick and me out on scorekeeping. Our IT department works well together.



Bob Plager

'96, '98, '06 Tolbert Terlingua Champion






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