Sunday, August 20, 2006

SUNDAY - August 20, 2006

Quartz Hill District - Donnie Gordon Scorekeeper
It was a beautiful day in Quartz Hill. Clear and sunny with a slight breeze (that became a stiff breeze AFTER the cookoff). At George Lane Park you cook on grass and park on asphalt directly behind your booth. Susie Baumberger, Chief Judge works closely with the Lane Park Board who has a different Chairman each year so there are fewer "snags" (never problems) than would be expected with a new Chairman... and Jim the chairman and Dave the Treasurer were wonderful at handling anything that came up or had been missed very quickly. They even had the checks waiting for names when the scoring was done. It was also kinda nice that the Susie and husband Ron Burt could not judge (Susie's sister & niece were cooking) so they were always available for whatever popped up at any given moment and Phil Morosky was his usual whatever needs to be done from scoring to table monitoring/catering. Overall a very nice weekend.
The winners were:
Peoples Choice
Phil Lourito (1st time cook who also tied for 6th in red chili)
Salsa (10 cooks)
3rd Place - Don Hammes
2nd Place - Michele Baumberger
1st Place - Gene Beller
Chili Verde (7 cooks)
3rd Place - Nibs Waters
2nd Place - Celia "Tootie" Gray
1st Place - Michele Baumberger
Red Chili (13 cooks)
5th Place - Nibs Waters
4th Place - Paul Laroche
3rd Place - Warren Smith
2nd Place - Gene Beller
1st Place - Mark Sweeney
Congratulations to all.
Ted Willard - Sad News
Dear friends,
I write you all with very sad news. Our good friend Sharon Willard, the CT state cook off chairman who is battling cancer left me a message to call her immediately. When we did, she told me that her loving husband, Ted, passed away last night due to a heart attack.
Both Kat and I are devastated by this news. Words can't begin to describe Ted. He was such a wonderful big hearted man that always had a smile for everyone but especially for Sharon. I know that Sharon and her family are going thru an incredibly tough time right now.
Please offer condolences to her by writing her:
Sharon Willard
1 Emma Road
East Haven,CT.06512
Kathy and Michael Freedman
The MADS!!


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